folks Just to let you know, to generate funds to support the site we have taken the help of Google Ads. Typically, they will be in context of the site, numerous examples of which you must have already seen. So that they are not obnoxious, they'll be at the bottom of the page replacing the counter. rgds VT-ASJ
This is welcome as Google ads are generally very discreet and sometimes relevant as well. Much better than the earlier "college girls" types ad placed by this website hosting provider.
Aseem - how easy was it to set up the Google ads? And will it pay for the monthly charges that you're paying right now?
Aseem - how easy was it to set up the Google ads? And will it pay for the monthly charges that you're paying right now? lets see how much that covers. What I feel is that it will increase for some time till it plateaus. We will still be collecting contributions, and will keep members updated whether we need any further or not. Mods off-course will get greater details.
btw... on the discreet level do u want each member to click the ad's a few times to generate funds ;) I would not encourage that.
the best thing is that its only the categories and not the ads that show up on the site. When you click on them, it goes to another page which list the ads. We get commission based on number of hits/clicks to those ads. hope it helps VT-ASJ
I would not mind having ads on the forum if they will generate revenue. Some points to be considered are:
1. The number of ads should not be too high. 2. The ads should be decent. There should be no ads like the 'college girls' kind of ads which were being displayed a couple of months ago. 3. It would be better if a major portion of the ads is aviation related(just like the Google ads displayed now).