Bengali Hindi English Urdu Punjabi Arabic( Used to know, can read script but dun remember wat words mean) French(Studied for 2 yrs in skool) Malayam(Abuses only courtesy 10 years in the gulf)
I have nothing to declare but my genious. --Oscar Wilde to a US Customs officer
1). Texan, southern drawl English. Certainly not the Queen's English!!
I say "y'all" instead of you all. I say "fixin' to", instead of "about to".
When I went to college, some Americans were puzzled by a desi, south Indian speaking like a rural Texan. Since they couldn't pronounce Sri Sankaranaraya Pillai (shit, I can't even pronounce it when I've had a few Kingfishers), they called me "Tex" or "Tejas" or "has"!
2). Tamil. Very poorly. I speak like Rajinikant when he fights! Can't read or write Tamil. Sound like a 6 year old when I speak Tamil.
Yes, I'm aware that many of you will say that I speak like a 6 year old, always, especially on the non-Av boards! LOL.
1). Texan, southern drawl English. Certainly not the Queen's English!!
I say "y'all" instead of you all. I say "fixin' to", instead of "about to".
When I went to college, some Americans were puzzled by a desi, south Indian speaking like a rural Texan. Since they couldn't pronounce Sri Sankaranaraya Pillai (shit, I can't even pronounce it when I've had a few Kingfishers), they called me "Tex" or "Tejas" or "has"!
2). Tamil. Very poorly. I speak like Rajinikant when he fights! Can't read or write Tamil. Sound like a 6 year old when I speak Tamil.
Yes, I'm aware that many of you will say that I speak like a 6 year old, always, especially on the non-Av boards! LOL.
-- Edited by texdravid at 21:36, 2006-11-05
For some reason, based on your posts on A net, I was under the impression that you moved to the US from India post-med school. And don't Indians growing up south of the dixie line speak with the drawl anyways?
When I went to college, some Americans were puzzled by a desi, south Indian speaking like a rural Texan. Since they couldn't pronounce Sri Sankaranaraya Pillai (shit, I can't even pronounce it when I've had a few Kingfishers), they called me "Tex" or "Tejas" or "has"!
you remind me of one of my Sardarji senior in college. For first few months we found something really odd about him, but couldn't place our finger on actual thing. It was only when somebody told that he was born and brought up in area of UP adjacent to Bihar that we realized that it his accent which was out of place. Imagine a Punju speaking in Bihari cheers!! VT-ASJ