Some news Folks:-
Sean is Back on Anet today,after a yr Break.
If you are in touch with him, then ask him to join here as well.
HAWK21M wrote:Some news Folks:- Sean is Back on Anet today,after a yr Break. regds MEL
I normally meet up on MSN.Will Invite him def.
HAWK21M wrote: Some news Folks:-Sean is Back on Anet today,after a yr Break.regdsMEL
AI consults Sean before making any statement.
Sean is the Super AI MD (as in Super PM)
Sean is the Expert. NO doubt.
Down to earth Guy too.
Would like to meet him too
My respects to you Sean. :
When are you joining here !
Sean has posted a pic of him & his Ghana team in this link.
reply 70.
HAWK21M wrote: Sean has posted a pic of him & his Ghana team in this link. and here is me in blue YYZ Airport Watch T-shirt admiring AA's B738 along with fellow A.nutter Lnglive1011YYZ courtesy TRVYYZ rgdsVT-ASJ
and here is me in blue YYZ Airport Watch T-shirt admiring AA's B738 along with fellow A.nutter Lnglive1011YYZ courtesy TRVYYZ
VT-ASJ.....Some Problem with the Image.
HAWK21M wrote: VT-ASJ.....Some Problem with the Image.regdsMEL
never mind here is the link
the_380 wrote: Thats cool why is it A.nutter
Nice Pic.Do you Hire those Chairs
Anutters.....Cause the Folks are nuts about the site I guess.
HAWK21M wrote: Nice Pic.Do you Hire those ChairsregdsMEL
HAWK21M wrote: Nice Pic.Do you Hire those Chairs
actually TRVYYZ and the other fellow in the photo bring two pairs of them in their car. I plan to go again today, lets see whether I finally make it or not..
So what do you carry along.Water Sandwiches.How long do you hang out.